Montag, 17. Dezember 2007

The Power of will

I've been thinking. Again am going through a difficult phase. I only have difficult phases. The common denominator has always been: Confusion. Yeap! Always been confused, and always wanted someone to tell me what is it that I should do. Well, today I am 38 almost 39 and am still waiting.

So here is a new approach. How about deciding up on what I want. That's an idea. Making up my own mind and living up to the consequences of it. And I'll start right now.

Current Situation:
  • Financially
    Papi Riki: My Club. It offers me a good financial possibility. I want to keep it open.
  • Emotionally
    No more Roller Coaster feelings. More freedom to feel.
  • more to come

Samstag, 15. Dezember 2007

A long days work

The last three days have been quite a challenge. Whith a head full of worries and no real goal approach. But somehow I managed to get through them and still get thiniks accomplished.

Of course not everyone is pleased with me or what was done and for most people there wasn't really much accomplished. But I think the important thing is that I am happy with what I did regardless of the state of mine I was in.


Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2007

on a down phase

Today is a special day it shows of again the possibilities which are before me.

Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2007

Decision Making

And Then What.

I own a Bar. Am the sole owner, I am responsible for it. It is not making the money I would like it to.

So what do I decide to do. Close it. That is easy. Tell everybody that I'm closing the place down and then what? Go home. No then you still have to pay the money you borrowed in order to open the place. you signed contracts for over 5 years. 5 years men. by signing those contracts you said that in that time you would create and make money.

Times are hard now but they are not 5 years. You've had good months and bad months. Now you are letting everything get to you and are giving up. That is easy.

go for it. take the other decision. Find out what is needed and expected, and then "do, produce or present it"

so I feel confused, don't know what to do.

Then the question is: What is it that you want to do? and what are the consequences of doing it, and can you live with these consequences.