Where do I want to be 5 years from now, when I am 30. The way things are right now is not O.K. I perceive that the people around me are worried about my future apparently more than I am. I´ve never stopped and think about what I want to do, or sat down and plan something on my own laying out the way it was going to be done.
I find that I am very disorganize. My mind works very fast, sometimes so much that I don´t even realize when it did something. Now I want to change the way I do things and actually getting some results; instead of going through life on a drift, with no traced route:
I wanted to study Bussinnes Administration but I find that I am not the type to acquire knowledge now, store it with out applying it in actual practice and then trying to get back to it when I need it.
I want to put up a restaurant (I see now that it is any real bussinness). I made some figures on it and found out I don´t have enough money for it and in order to get it I would Probably have to not study.
Now, If I don´t get a degree now, 5 years from now I will be sitting on a chair in some reception, not doing what I want.
Hey this is what it all comes down to.
what do I want to Do
For sure I want to keep playing my Music
I do want to make a difference. so this is how I am going to lay it out:
To get a degree and a steady job. Once thi job is here start on the restaurant (any bussiness) stuff with my own back up. And from there will go on having another little talk like this one.
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