Dienstag, 30. August 1994

Agosto 30, 1994 11:41 p.m.

Estoy continuando el programa. Lo hago para tener una guia de como dirigir y diseñar mi vida. Precisamente debo listar las areas de mi vida que no me satisfacen. Pero antes un entremes.

Hay una sister que me gusta. Class, style, seemed smart, I´ll do my best to approach her, fast.

Cosas con las que no estoy feliz:

mi vida amorosa; mis finanzas;

Creencias adicionales por las cuales me debo regir en la vida para fijar metas y alcanzarlas:

I deserve better

I can do better

I will do better

Things can only get Better

Personal development goal

I want the woman of my dreams

I want to be a great D.J.

I want to feel proud of my achievements (I want to feel happy as I see my mother Friends and Familiy proud about me)

I wanna learn about computers

I want to Speak German, Italian, French and Japaneesse

I wanna Fly Helicopter and Airplanes

I wanna radiate peacefullness to every one around me

I want people to look up to me

I want me to look up to me

I want to learn all about life

I wanna write a book

I wanna grow old and in perfect health

I wanna suel life

I wanna jump in paracaidas

I wanna play the piano

I wanna help a lot of people come out of Ignorance of life

I want to be happy

I wnat to Have a body that looks and feels great

I want to direct, instruct other people

I want to learn from people the best there is in life

I want to be a lider in life

now coments on the above

I want the woman of my dreams

a companion is something I really wnat. It is having someone to lean on and who would probably lean on me too. Someone I can come to and would make me feel loved. The mother mother of my childrens, a good one too even better than mine

I want to feel happy as I see my mother, friends and family proud about me. Because that would mean that I am doing good things, that probably are helping other people that is definetely more than good, It means that I can help and have helped other people because for you to help others effectively you have to be o.k. yourself.

I want to be al lider in Life

I want to do this because it requieres knowledge of human behavior and good relation ships. humans need someone to direct them as they don´t know were they are going. I can teach them how to use their mind and evolve

Thing Goals

I wanna good car,

An airplane

an Helicopter

a house with a bridge over the swiming pool in the midle of the room

I want a trip to europe

I want my own music studio

Í want a Huge Bussness

I want a video-audio system That´s over a million colones

I want a house on a beach

I want a trip to the Us

I want a cellular line

I want one executive lifesttyle

Comments on the above

I wanna good Car

It will allow me to move around better. It will gime me a social status, It will give me the oprtunity to go out with the people I really care to go with.

I Want a cellular line

It will keep me in contact at any time if I want to. It will be part or my executive status, I could help save lives just by having it. It will make me feel important, it will make me feel like a little kid with a great toy.

I want a huge bussness

That is where the money is going to come from to help all the people I wanna help, where I´ll acquiere ability to command, where my financial support will come from, where I will be helping many lives.

Economic goal

I wanna get in my hands 250.000.00 colones month

I wanna bussiness worth over 10 million colones

I wanna invest in social activities over 10 million

Comments on the above

I wanna get in my hands 250.000.00 month

I can get loans, live good, pay an my house, aprtment, go out, be confortable amogst my friends.

Dienstag, 23. August 1994

August 23, 1994

I am continuing the Personal Power program, in doing so estoy repasando las cosas que escribi y siento como he superado muchos de esos sentimientos, se ven lejanos. ahora deseo analizar mi vida y ver que es lo que he hecho de ella, ver que he aprendido en los ultimos años y darle una dirección. Voy a programar mi cerebro para triunfar y lo hare por mi. porque asi lo deseo. Siento las cosas en mi cabeza mas ordenadas, tengo mas entusiasmo y energía. Decido hacer algo y tomo acción en ello y generalmente me gusta el resultado. Esto es bueno.

Estando en esta pagina de mi vida, llego al parrafo en el que al fin puedo definirme como yo. Yo soy quien deseo ser. Feliz de mi proceder, que aprendo de mis errores y aprendo de mis alrededores. Vivo una vida sencilla, que en este punto aun esta vacia. Camino hacia la busqueda de la verdad y me encuentro ante el principio del resto de mis dias. Soy hombre al fin con errores y defectos, virtudes debo tener las cuales manifiesto. Pretendo sentimientos de honradez, sinceridad, paz para conmigo, mis amigos y semejantes. La vida es el peor regalo que se le puede dar a quien no sabe vivir, pero enseñale lo que es y le enseñaras a existir. Wab.

Freitag, 19. August 1994

Agosto 19,1994

Interrumpiendo patrones de comportamiento

Getting leverage. Patron: “No puedo ser expontaneo con las Chicas”

1Quiero una chica especial

2mi vida se siente vacia solo

3hay muchas mujeres con las que deseo estar

1 I must change as it is not normal not to have a girl (I feel lonely and incomplete)

2 debo cambiar porque las buenas mujeres se acaban (y yo quiero una buena mujer)

3 debo cambiar para curar las secuelas de Xani

4 Debo cambiar para que todos los años que he pasado aprendiendo a llevarme mejor con la gente sea de provecho, de lo contrario me sentire muy decepcionado

5 debo cambiar porque debo cambiar

6 debo cambiar porque no quiero otra Xani, Mari Paz,Alicia, Ana, Adriana, Janory en mi vida.

7debo cambiar porque es hora de afrontar la realidad de crecer y madurar y yo soy el unico responsable

porque se que lo puedo hacer

porque todo en la vida se aprende

Dienstag, 16. August 1994

Agosto 16 1994 11:51 p.m.

He estado leyendo estas cronicas y van bien. Me gustan aun podrian decir mas pero poco a poco ire adquiriendo experiencia para relatar mejor las cosas. Recientemente empeze tambien a escribir en mi diario reflexiones y pensamientos que ire transmitiendo a estas cronicas paulatinamente.

En este nivel de mi vida ya muchas cosas han cambiado desde que empeze a escribir y ademas faltan algunos de esos cambios. Tales como el de la Corporacion; ya no existe como mi propiedad. En una primera instancia la deshice y forme sociedad con Leonardo Mena. Trabaje con el durante cuatro meses aproximadamente. Renuncie porque la remuneracion Éeconomica no era lo que yo deseaba. De hecho eso fue mas que todo culpa mia. Yo acepte recibir el 10% de lo que hiciera la empresa de la sociedad Unos cuarentamil colones aproximadamente por mes, ademas de cancelar una deuda de 140000.00 colones al antiguo socio de Leonardo pagandole 20000.oo colones por mes. Obiamente no me quedaba mucho con que subsistir. Pasaba la mayor parte del mes sin dinero. Y ahora veo por que pasaron cuatro meses en que no hice absolutamente nada para mejorar mi calidad de vidad. Al renunciar con el continue trabajando hasta el momento en Playa Flamingo con Hubert. Ahora mis ingresos son de 80000.00 colones por mes. Debo viajar todos los jueves y regreso los lunes de cada semana. Eventualmente he de pasar una que otra semana completa en Guanacaste.

Donnerstag, 11. August 1994

August 11,94

I am trying to work out a concept of the reason for life, so far I think that all problems, confusions, and desagreements come from the level of greatness that the person envolved in the situation has. We are souls that keep coming back life after life, with only one purpose: To learn to live in harmony with everything else. Achieve understanding. Therefore you have people who are very nice, gentle. People who, when you look carefully into them; you will see they take problems and life in a different way than others do. They take it with greatness. I believe that these people are older souls, they have been coming around for a long time and have achieved a high level of peace with themself and are able to reach other people with it. They are usually looked at as special persons, with great personalities, and now that I look at it, they will slow down on this proccess if they do not realize this matter: “that they are here to learn and rise to higher states of life and that this will be transfered to their childrens and will attract the same kind of people around them.”

Dienstag, 9. August 1994

August 9, 1994

Well, this is what I came up with. Do the action of what you want to be:

if you want to be ordered. then order sutff, keep things in order. If you want to be happy and so on, take action, and of course a complement of this is Force and Control. But the question is “of what”; of “you” of course. Your will. Force yourself to take action as this is the only way you get consequences of anything. And now that I think about it, it will be necesary for you to be honest about it