Donnerstag, 11. August 1994

August 11,94

I am trying to work out a concept of the reason for life, so far I think that all problems, confusions, and desagreements come from the level of greatness that the person envolved in the situation has. We are souls that keep coming back life after life, with only one purpose: To learn to live in harmony with everything else. Achieve understanding. Therefore you have people who are very nice, gentle. People who, when you look carefully into them; you will see they take problems and life in a different way than others do. They take it with greatness. I believe that these people are older souls, they have been coming around for a long time and have achieved a high level of peace with themself and are able to reach other people with it. They are usually looked at as special persons, with great personalities, and now that I look at it, they will slow down on this proccess if they do not realize this matter: “that they are here to learn and rise to higher states of life and that this will be transfered to their childrens and will attract the same kind of people around them.”

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