Estoy continuando el programa. Lo hago para tener una guia de como dirigir y diseñar mi vida. Precisamente debo listar las areas de mi vida que no me satisfacen. Pero antes un entremes.
Hay una sister que me gusta. Class, style, seemed smart, I´ll do my best to approach her, fast.
Cosas con las que no estoy feliz:
mi vida amorosa; mis finanzas;
Creencias adicionales por las cuales me debo regir en la vida para fijar metas y alcanzarlas:
I deserve better
I can do better
I will do better
Things can only get Better
Personal development goal
I want the woman of my dreams
I want to be a great D.J.
I want to feel proud of my achievements (I want to feel happy as I see my mother Friends and Familiy proud about me)
I wanna learn about computers
I want to Speak German, Italian, French and Japaneesse
I wanna Fly Helicopter and Airplanes
I wanna radiate peacefullness to every one around me
I want people to look up to me
I want me to look up to me
I want to learn all about life
I wanna write a book
I wanna grow old and in perfect health
I wanna suel life
I wanna jump in paracaidas
I wanna play the piano
I wanna help a lot of people come out of Ignorance of life
I want to be happy
I wnat to Have a body that looks and feels great
I want to direct, instruct other people
I want to learn from people the best there is in life
I want to be a lider in life
now coments on the above
I want the woman of my dreams
a companion is something I really wnat. It is having someone to lean on and who would probably lean on me too. Someone I can come to and would make me feel loved. The mother mother of my childrens, a good one too even better than mine
I want to feel happy as I see my mother, friends and family proud about me. Because that would mean that I am doing good things, that probably are helping other people that is definetely more than good, It means that I can help and have helped other people because for you to help others effectively you have to be o.k. yourself.
I want to be al lider in Life
I want to do this because it requieres knowledge of human behavior and good relation ships. humans need someone to direct them as they don´t know were they are going. I can teach them how to use their mind and evolve
Thing Goals
I wanna good car,
An airplane
an Helicopter
a house with a bridge over the swiming pool in the midle of the room
I want a trip to europe
I want my own music studio
Í want a Huge Bussness
I want a video-audio system That´s over a million colones
I want a house on a beach
I want a trip to the Us
I want a cellular line
I want one executive lifesttyle
Comments on the above
I wanna good Car
It will allow me to move around better. It will gime me a social status, It will give me the oprtunity to go out with the people I really care to go with.
I Want a cellular line
It will keep me in contact at any time if I want to. It will be part or my executive status, I could help save lives just by having it. It will make me feel important, it will make me feel like a little kid with a great toy.
I want a huge bussness
That is where the money is going to come from to help all the people I wanna help, where I´ll acquiere ability to command, where my financial support will come from, where I will be helping many lives.
Economic goal
I wanna get in my hands 250.000.00 colones month
I wanna bussiness worth over 10 million colones
I wanna invest in social activities over 10 million
Comments on the above
I wanna get in my hands 250.000.00 month
I can get loans, live good, pay an my house, aprtment, go out, be confortable amogst my friends.
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